Awesome!!! We'll be arriving on the 23rd... See you there.
The more the merrier. :-) We should be all checked in by early afternoon on Sunday. We'll no doubt head right for the sexy pool.
You got it. I think we land about 1pm on Sunday, so we should be checked in by 2, 3, whatever... It'll be on Mexican time. Haha.
We'll see you Sunday!!! Party time. I think the only cruise while we're there is on the 28th.
We're almost there ... See you Sunday!!!
Six days and counting!!!
Someone was suggesting a Christmas day crawl.... Was a great way to celebrate. Hahaha.
Haha... We haven't been yet, but I'm sure we'll find out. We usually try to book Jacuzzi rooms wherever we travel, and love spiked coffee in the...
He likes Tequila, She likes Daiquiris, They both like boobs. :-)
There are a lot of "traditional" Naturists at Hideaway... By traditional I mean regular folks who just like to be naked, and not necessarily...
Though this will be our first time at Temptation... We've been to numerous nude, topless, and anything goes resorts. One thing always remains the...
Christy&Brad... That sounds intriguing.
Glad you posted this RandA, we'll follow it too for ideas. :-)
Oh, and for anyone who also enjoys this... We got a Jacuzzi room. It's a great place to hang out (literally) and have coffee with baileys in the...
Still working on that. :-)
Hahaha... I promise, we'll make it hot. :-)
For sure... Can't wait.
Pretty much the same as us... 23-30. It's our first time at Temptation as well and it sounds like we're all going to have a blast.
Yeah baby!!!!!! Us too.
What a great way to spend the holiday craziness. Hahaha.