One month on the dot, September 7th here we come
Well. We can only babysit for one day since we don't get there till the 7th but feel free to send her to Atlanta at any time so we can practice
Ok, just for the record. Most single women ever Yeah Most Texans ever Noooooooooooooooo How can you even mention those...
you canadians are taking over but thats ok welcome to our week
And we thought temptations couldn't get any better. This will probably be the most single women not on a bachelorette party in temptations history
Well we can't speak for Keith but we are starting to feel like we won the lottery
Well we will not be on the flight but do arrive the same day. It's going to be ridiculous. :)
Welcome to September. you will have to let us know how it compares. We currently only go once a year but are thinking about adding a early year...
Awesome answer but I wouldn't have too much confidence in that room number just yet. We haven't gotten the exact room we have requested yet...
well if you need some different diving locations, you can always stop by our room.
I watched Oklahoma against Florida state the last two years. Till halftime anyway florida state never made it a game
We are there the 7-15th. Can't wait tO see your outfits.
Well then i say change the 11th to Sexiest Outfit night. Heck if i was a 911 rescue worker i know that would be the first thing i wanted to see.
We missed you last year. glad to see you decided to push back a week this year and join the fun. We will have to get Carrie on board for next year.
change it again. We are there the 7th- 15th adn we defintely WANT you there.
That is just beautiful. Even if i couldn't get in I would still love it. Reminds me of my trips to providence.
very eloquent and exactly right
What Time does your flight get in Jason ?? I believe Tab and I get in about 1:00 pm !! 11:36 so i guess we will have it warmed up for you
Deereman...Thanks for the of the suits I bought for last year...surprised they didn't make me go change LOL! Gary has picked out...