LMAO! He has an almost biblical respect for the Constitution. Sort of a Fundamentalist/Evangelical Constitutionalist.
Actually, I looked it up. Seems like many of his proposals involve returning powers to the individual states and reducing the power and size of...
Really? Not one bill? Now I'm really curious what he was proposing.
A friend made his own screen using sheet rock. It seems to me he used some specialized paint that contained silver flecks?
I got on mine and it screamed like a little girl, then a puff of smoke and then nothing.... I miss being 20. I could eat a whole pizza for a...
That's a lot nicer boat than the ones we've been on!
Most people use Advil (ibuprofen) or Tylenol (acetaminophen) these days for headaches and pain relief. But I have read in a number of places...
A few gay couples have posted in the past asking whether they would feel welcome and received very positive responses. You are right that the...
Kim asked me to post this.. :) [IMG]
Hey!!! Way ta go!!! We can have a tattoo party....lol
Just heard on the little radio out here in the garage....another Leaf coach bites the dust. Guess they'll win the cup for sure now....lol
Hey ... wait a minute.... you could change the "Kelly" to "Wendy", "Kimmy", anything. Man, I am so slow....
I have a very mean wife who won't let me have any of these things...
Is that my poor head getting pounded? I was just kidding, babe. A joke. You're name isn't even Kelly...
One of my all time favorite movie. [Vizzini has just cut the rope The Dread Pirate Roberts is climbing up] Vizzini: HE DIDN'T FALL?...
Love it!!! Kim...remember you said you wanted a tattoo.... ;)
No problem. Thanks for bring that young hottie, Susan. ;)
Well...first off "Y'All"? from Toronto? lol (just teasing) Next...where you meet women can make a difference. Most important, approach a...