There's always lots of women there. Most are married but a number are "open minded" if you are into that kind of thing. Approach with courtesy if...
Well... the beer may have something to do with When people talk of government run programs in other countries in a positive light...
Humorous. And that is exactly the reaction many people had to that dumb remark. I honestly think he was going for a "We're all in this together"...
Lol... Yes, I know the Russia quote was really from SNL. But you you aren't suggesting she didn't say some really dumb stuff? Electing her as VP...
I know I am late on this one. I slept I agree with Steve however, in his interpretation of the quote. However, I do think it was...
Yes. It was a ridiculous solution to providing citizens with universal healthcare. Keeping private insurance companies in the loop will only serve...
I watched an interesting documentary that pointed out that the only times in history that there was such a large disparity in employment...
Yeah... I understand that the 47% number is pretty accurate. My point is that his presentation of that stat implies that they are all bums using...
The bs flying around in this election is deeper than ever. First, implying that 47% of the American population are a bunch of worthless moochers...
Naw... we're "coach", "serfs"
LOL... as per above, yes I'm bringing my guitar. It's been fun the last few trips (and a break for me from "House Music" or whatever they call...
Hi there! It will be Partydollgirl and my first Halloween visit though I think it's our 7th to TTR. I'm in on the two draws. If you are...
It's a good idea to read some of the trip reports here. Keep in mind that everyone has different likes and dislikes and expectations. And the feel...
I first heard about the Chupacabra in Chile. The legend apparently began when goat were discovered dead. I'm not sure in what country....
If you add fines for every time they are caught lying or spreading "misinformation" you'll have it paid off in no
Be happy to do that :)
I'm voting for the Whorrors :)
Afternoon's at the sexy pool Well, I couldn't find it on Youtube but if you take two large hammers and smack them repeatedly against your ears...
I'll cover the bouncer bit. I find if you just keep pouring shots down their throat they eventually crumble.....
That was our first stay at GP so we really have no feel for how often it happens there. My understanding is most resorts are less than full these...