Some of the best, unbiased reporting I have seen is on Al Jezeera. Particularly on international stories, such as Syria. FOX = BENAPIRS 24/7...
I once lost a debate with a radish. But in my defence that stupid radish didn't drink nearly as much as me...
I'd like to throw one thing out there for consideration. Does anyone sees the difference between this happening on a boat, vs. a balcony show or...
Ohhhh pedantic means priggish - meticulous. I was thinking annoying - irritating....LOL (jk)
LOL... I was expecting a Brit to jump on that. And an American to claim they invented
Right. Al Gore isn't even Canadian! (It was a Canadian who invented the internet, right?)
My thoughts, concern and well wishes are with everyone affected. Such a terrible act. I've gone from angry to very sad. We've got to find a way to...
Nothing like the internet for discreet conversations.... LMAO
No worries, Scott. Actually, I suspected some was off when, "When will Canadians learn?" sounded suspiciously like the thread entitled "When will...
LMFAO! Well played buddy
You mean I have to start carrying these big bastards around myself?
Well...what they call Country Music these days anyway ;)
It's a toss up. We see a lot more sun and a lot less rain. ;) I haven't ruled out invading a few U.S. states
OK... but you have to apologize for Hip Hop and Rap...LOL
I blame it all on Ian Tyson. All that singing about "Springtime in Alberta" like it's supposed to be normal...
I've heard that regular massage is critical to maintaining firmness. And air....air is important too. Oh and sunlight...... was good! But as I recall it may be wise not to drink the whole bottle in one
I'd like to apologize for my friend, Deb, saying anything. I'm not sure why. I'm just used to having to apologize for her.
I'd like to apologize for my buddy, Jeff, saying anything. I'm not sure why. I'm just used to having to apologize for him.
Eagle Rare is bourbon, no? I think I recall that on my first trip to Florida.