I saw that on..I think it was CNN. Two guys, one an American ex-pat, put it together. Love it!
Or the Rider's vs. Anyone....lol
Yeah..maybe with those possible exceptions...lol
Geez, that's awful Steve! Wishing you two speedy recoveries!
It's not very often that political debates deteriorate to angry exchanges... ;)
Congratulations you two! Welcome to Canada, Manuel. You have probably figured out that if you are going to split your time between countries then...
I saw him interviewed the other day on TV. Hasn't aged a bit.
Hey...Canadian's aren't allowed to say "hahaha" on this sensitive American topics thread without saying what you are laughing at. - A fellow...
LOL..Things are getting better :) You know, one thing that gives me hope. Think of the devastation of Europe after WWII. Many nations were...
Like you say, that was 2009 (a nightmare year when thousands of people lost their jobs and went on unemployment benefits). The thing is the spin...
You guys know your tax system a lot better than I do. When I hear a repeated claim that solicits a strong emotional response from voters I tend to...
Romney has all the charm and charisma of Al Gore...lol
LMAO...too funny I don't mind having a few shots either....
I know what you mean...but man, I don't think I could stomach voting for anyone the Republican's are putting forward either. I feel bad for you guys.
It's too bad there is such tremendous polarization these days. Wouldn't it be nice if both parties offered viable options and you chose the one...
Too bad that guy in New Jersey didn't feel ready to run. He struck me as the most impressive of the lot.
Yeah, I just meant that most people are not thrilled with the candidates they have to choose from these days. They just found out Santorum won...