ahh , the Hedgehog ..... funny we haven't heard more Ron Jeremy references on this site !
As long as I can say Cerveza Muchas Gracias , I'll be ok
So I was reading in a thread that Lynfa likes Peanut butter M&Ms ... and it got me thinking if anybody was craving something from Canada... I only...
... so if I'm reading this right if you leave a tip they split it at the end of the day / week etc with the other workers...and if you don't want...
I heard overall Cancun is almost back to normal after the swine flu. They had to offer some discounts earlier to get people to book but the...
I found some face paint at a craft store ( Michael's for you Haligonians !!) . There's also face paint crayons. It was $8 or $9 for 10-12 colors...
We're arriving with 12 others , I know 6 of them well and 2 I've met once or twice and 4 I've never met. I don't know the agenda, don't know who's...
So is anybody painting themselves up ? ... maybe I'll paint my face up in a glowing neon Gene Simmons or the Star Child just for kicks !!
Good point !!
maybe a blow up chair from the dollar store. I also have a collapsible beach chair that may fit in my suitcase ..... man that will be the tickle...
we are there too , 12 of us , I will have to check with the group . I think some people wanted to and some didn't
The other benefit of having names on the cups is you see " so and so's" empty drink glass and say ,You want another ? and then be Johnny Nice Guy...
---unless someone doesn't like you and puts something in your cup !! ... it's always good to be nice to people !!
That is correct .... and also don't wash the Bubba in the dishwasher or it could get damaged !
Apr30-may 7 with 10 crazy Nova Scotians ......sociable !!!!!!
[ I heard that they sometimes do not fill the larger cups so I'm not sure what size to recommend.
Jinx I see you'll be down there 1 month 1 week , think we'll just miss you , we're there 1 month 13 days Apr30-May7 .... I'll be there for a...
... well I did buy 2 kegs ! I'll be ok till I "break the seal !"
Found it in the terms and conditions, transfer included ... but doesn't say with who.