There are only 30 days in November Sue :)
I found a link to get free Silver status on Virgin Atlantic airlines. I don't know how long the link will be good but free airline status is...
I think we have always tried to drink all the beer Jessie but they keep making more ;)
Jessie I will be there till Dec 7th so unless you are not showing up till the 6th I think that gives us more than one day to drink beer :)
Just booked by flight to Cancun arriving on Nov 24 leaving Dec 7. Convinced a good buddy of mine and his wife to go this year. They are arriving...
Finally got everything caught up with everything here at home and work. I had a blast again this year at Temptation. Thank you everyone for...
Last post for me. I just got off work and have all my packing to do plus have to be up around 3am. See you all at TTR. 11/2-12-6
I have all my transefer booked already, did that when I got the room.
Must be rough, lol. Well at least you will have time to recover.
Did the same. Actually I am landing at noon so I will be there a little earlier then I thought that is if the flight is on time.
No kidding thus why I love all-inclusive. You can add you tab to mine anytime. You were the one drinking all the shots last year and got your...
I am sure Jessie and I will be at the bar. I will bye you a few drinks :)
It is finally November!!!! 21 days and I will be sitting at the pool bar having a beer or two. I am buying if anyone else wants one :)
Sorry for missing you Sue. Thank you for planning all the theme nights even though I don't participate in a lot of them. Last year I tried on...
26 days and counting. Sorry I haven't been on in a while, work has been killing me lately. Craig sorry to see you can't make it. Jesse and I...
Exactly 7 weeks Jessie. What time are you arriving? I should be at the resort around 2.
That stinks Travis. Jesse and I will have a few drinks in your honor.
Temptations here I come again. Booked my flights and rooms, 11/22-12/6 so only 14 nights this year. :) had a decent price for a...
I think my head is shaved there Jessie. I can't believe that hat made it back from Cancun. If you get enough drinks in me I am sure I will say I...
Well now you got me thinking Jessie. Ok now looking at 11/22-12/1 or 11/22-12/7 or 12/8. I think I found the best room prices on alpharooms but...