Years ago, we did the Captain Hook trip. Lots of fun !
We like to go over to Isla Mujeres for a day. Take the Ferry over, rent the GOLF Carts :), travel around the island, have lunch, go to the beach....
Originally from Chicago, my Mom was a Nurse and had countless stories about these from past. I agree, can't see giving stash away. Regarding pot...
While we are all planning for Halloween at TTR, I thought I would share something with you a little disturbing. When we were kids, you went...
That is fantastic !! Ang
That's great you're going to wear booty shorts Guido. Ugh. What's Blondie going to wear? LOL. Ang
I keep saying this needs to be added to the theme. It is sooooo much fun :) Ang
Ya know, it's odd that you say this. We used to always include the Asian in our reservations for dinner and were impressed. The last couple of...
I know, right? Oh man, can't wait for Lobster Ang
:huepfen013: Ya know, every year we get excited about this trip for H & H week. I must say, every year, it keeps getting better. More enthusiasm....
Originally Posted by Guido and Blondie [IMG] Today I have to focus because I'm out on the road. But, come tomorrow I'm done with the road work...
Well Said !
Holy Shit- 4 days, wowwww. It's catching up fast :) You have safe travels as well. Be sure to say hi. The Bellavista. We eat there a couple times during our stay. Excellent dinners. We choose...
Reservations are important if you are really wanting to have Italian and/or Asian. I have seen so many people get caught up in their day and forget.
I always include the reservation for more than just us. That way, if we meet up with old friends or new friends, we can have dinner together. Ang
And this my friend is just one of the reasons that Bob & I are glad that we became members. I just e-mailed our Butler with our dinner...
You as well Birthday Girl :) Ang
Try not to let it ruin your trip. Make the most of it either way. The other thing to remember is this: Your town shows you're from Fargo ND,...
Couldn't agree more. Bobby & I have been going through quite a bit in the past few months, were not sure if we were going to be able to come....