We stay by the sexy pool. Why do you ask?
Funny, I was just looking for your post to add to the short cut...haha Ang
I am so sorry to read about what this guys said and more so that it made you feel uncomfortable. Glad you stayed on key and the original outfit...
You're welcome. I am just glad that I got better so soon. We had two days left at TTR, the off to Desire for two. Bob was stressing. lol....
Creepy ass guys do. lol
Greetings ! While Bob (A.K.A. Mullet Man) & I just returned from another amazing trip to TTR, I would like to share something with you. So...
Saweeeet. See you for Halloweeeenie :)
Thanks for the Friends Request :) When will we seen you guys again?
Hi guys, Justin and Rachel wanted me to thank you for the gifts. The shirt fits her great and Justin loves the Tuke- Thanks again for thinking of...
:) Bob & I would be H & H's AKA Hooker & Mullet Man :aktion033:
Hi guys ! Thanks for the friends request and the great times at TTR. It was great talking with you - Stay in touch ! Ang
There are other resorts in Cancun? My word. lol I thought TTR was the only one. Oh wait, it is because nothing compares to TTR :aktion033: Ang