of course cancuncare is a sponsor but now we are proud to announce that original resorts is also an event sponsor and the winner of the "after...
less than 6 weeks now :) still have a few rooms at $145 per night if you let us know that you need one and we will put you in touch with some...
HI and lets make plans for dinner Thursday night :) rob/t
appropriately - chinos will be judging the contest to see who gets the free nights at Pearl - and trust me this contest is going to be one (will...
now you have me thinking.... TTTR would actually be more correct than TTR and while we are at it lets just call it TTTRS to cover them all :)...
My personal favorite is when people call it TTR lmao where do they get that abbreviation? The best Rob
so awesome you guys are going to join - its a huge group of great, fun, inclusive, giving people :) we are also going to do something as a...
great to have you guys be a part - just wanted to point out that original resorts is offering up three days and two nights as one of the prizes...
love to have you - if you would like to stay at the same hotel with all of us just let me know and I will put you in touch with someone who can...
sorry but I am taking this one to promote the big party in new Orleans on the weekend of September 6-8 - this is classic and too damn cool to...
chinos and janet have booked their airfare - have you? are you ready for the biggest cancunare gathering ever???? well... spoke with Mario...
for all of those not on facebook and following the event posts there - please make a note of this information we had 140 VIP weekend passes...
:) hey hey hey hey rob
ours are here too :) rob
you guys need to be sure and hang out with all of us then :) forward me your email so I can keep you all posted on everything the meet and...
will miss you guys again this year :( rob/t
yes chinos and janet now... we all go to see them in mexico over and over and now they are coming to see all of us on our turf and party up...
YES :lotsofmichaelfs:
okay guys every room at the $145 rate has been spoken for and taken - the hotel has opened up a second block of rooms at $229.00 all you have to...
In a nutshell Yes But as others have said..... Does not always happen - just depends on the group and that cruise Rob