wow learn something new every day - had no idea :) rob
LAST CALL TO JOIN THE 200 OTHERS PARTYING WITH A PURPOSE IN NEW ORLEANS :) still a few rooms at 145 - just let me know rob
okay guys three weeks from today will all be getting ready for the most incredible meet and greet ever and it is not too late to join us - if you...
and maybe one more where miss America and thor changed costumes [IMG]
with some scissors, hot glue, a couple of hurricanes, chinos pushing the right buttons ........and a little imagination you can create some great...
here is a great example of what can happen in a costume trade :) before [IMG] after [IMG]
T and I have ours :) we may not end up in the same ones though as we will be having a contest to see who gets free nights at desire pearl -----...
Changed this year flight to 6 pm :)
so true :) im serious - when I wake up Monday morning after this weekend (the last two years) all I can think about is how in the hell am I...
a saints home game is certainly a treat and I am more than certain that out of all those going you will be able to find a few there with an...
just a great group of awesome people that keeps on growing :) rob
new announcement today :) not only is chinos and janet coming along with about 200 others but now we have just received news that Paloma is...
okay guys its not just chinos and janet coming from mexico but PALOMA is too :) [IMG] guys in all seriousness quit dicking around and debating...
YET ANOTHER MAJOR ALL STAR PERSON ANNOUNCEMENT EXPECTED TOMORROW :) again... new orleans, canuncare, fun, and raising 50 grand for MAW and...
still adding more but getting closer there are tons I do not have pics of but will do a name list for them the hits keep coming :) not too...
That is approximately half of those attending - will try and complete this weekend :) But basically it's a who's who all star list !!!! Rob
so here is the roll call for the big party in New Orleans - if i have left you off or you are not on this list and want to get on it just let us...
agree this is going to take a day as we have so many going at this point I am not sure I will get everyone included so people please make sure I...
I can try but not sure I can get all the pics as soooooo many are coming :) its the largest gathering of cancuncare people in one location ever...
awesome - still some rooms at that great rate but you can only get them through our group still wanting to join us just let us know and we will...