expecting a significant increase over last years attendance. if you are wanting a room I highly suggest you move forward and have others move...
to top it all off the hotel monteleone is a huge sponsor of the event providing meeting spaces for the meet and greet, pre parade party on...
rooms are booking very fast this year guys so if you want to get one I suggest you move quickly - it cost nothing to reserve your room - you pay...
should be any day now - Allison is getting it together! :)
rooms are filling up faster than normal - the party is on! be sure and like us on facebook Rob
rooms are filling up quickly - make your reservations now :)
This year marks the 5th year and it is certain to the be the best one yet! Expecting Chinos, Janet and all the regulars and newbies that want to...
[IMG]Drop Drop all the fun and what are you left with? a great inclusive group of awesome people working together to raise over $80,000.00 for...
PRINT THIS..............its the weekend schedule CALEB & SCOTT'S MEET N' MINGLE Purpose: A chance to get to meet everyone, enjoy some...
guys all those who purchase their weekend pass prior to next Wednesday, September 3, 2014 will have their name entered into a drawing for 2 free...
estimates now have the total amount raised ytd at approximately $75,000.00 raised - $100,000.00 is well within our reach - its going to be a party...
Guys if you plan on being a part it is critical that you get your weekend pass asap......we have to turn in food counts and the only way we...
Awesome - looking forward to having you guys and friends joining and for all others considering going to New Orleans for the big weekend - there...
I am going with #2 and ill toss in a pink bandana and belt to replace the red
we have to select chinos a costume so go to the thread and pick your favorite one for him - most votes by Friday, august 8 wins!! :)...
...........but chinos does not KNOW costumes, and he has asked us to select a costume for him for big pirate parade and pub crawl to be held there...
If you are low on funds and don't have enough in your monthly budget to afford a weekend pass, no problem at all:) simply use this occasion to...
that is so awesome and yet another step in all of us being a part of raising $100,000.00 for make a wish :) last count (unofficial of course)...
why come join? largest gathering ever of inclusive fun and good cancuncare people ever (approximately 200-250 expected) featuring chinos and...
BEST NEWS YET OUR YEARLONG EFFORTS HAVE NOW TOPPED $50,000.00 :) if everyone going simply donates $150 for their weekend pass - not only...