Rob, Checkin with Hillbilly...we may decide to do this since everyone is going...don't count us out yet.
Re: Games Love, love, love this game and YES, the drunker the players get the more fun the game gets! Bring it! With a group this big, it...
Got it, below are the list of folks involved in the Meet N Greet Toy Swap thus far: 1 - Mike/April 2 - Kim/Tom 3 - Jess/Tom 4 -...
Thanks for sharing!! :D
She doesn't give wet XOXO but she sure can make a wet XOXO...LMFAO! Hey, maybe I need this piece of exercise equipment, can you point me in the...
I can't wait to see you guys again!! Love that our Barbie Doll loves us soooo much!! :wink:
Thanks Rob! And most definitely YES, the more the merrier, this is not a limited event like the booze cruise. Although, we are asking that it...
Me too, me too!!! I just love you guys to pieces!!!! Definitely looking forward to seeing you guys in Cancun. 5-6 whole days with you guys!!!...
Thanks Rob! :wink:
Christine, What is your man's name?? You can give me a code name if you like just want to make sure I have names for everyone. Makes it...
Kimmie and I were just wondering how many of the folks that don't know our group or are expecting to be a part of the group would tr and join in...
Toy Swap Toy Swap...More Details To Follow We need to find a spot to host "our" little party. Any suggestions from any other folks joining in...
It's a woman thing! LOL!!
Rob, remind her that we are only going to be there for 5 days! LOL!! That's what my therapist keeps telling me...and that I don't have to pack...
Oh darn! :sunny:
Rob, T is always one HOT BI@TCH! Love her!!! I have all of my clothes for Cancun now too! Now I just gotta iron 'em and pack 'em. I'm soooo...
Zipline Tour Hey everyone, Just wanted to update you guys. Due to all the media regarding the happenings in Mexico recently, Hillbilly (aka...
Rob, I had no idea that Chinos was gone! I'm sad! :( What about Omar??? And you could never offend us...some days we just all have...
What's the scoop on Chinos??
Rob, It's all about having a good time with our new friends and as well as our special regular friends! Now whether its in a freezing ass...