Any special kind of wrapping??
So, is the idea to bring 1 toy per couple??
And can we make sure we don't bring any "mis fit" or "used" toys? LMAO!! Just think of it as a disclaimer... :wink:
LOL!! OMG, I'm loving this!! I think the couple's toy is a great idea...mix and match or whatever. No reason to leave the guys out completely!
That would be YOUR quote! Mine only uses AA batteries!! :lol:
I always bring my toys...although I have not been subjected to a search yet, but I would just tell them that I need those toys! My life depends...
Kimmie, Do you have a "whip" in your toy box or do we need to buy one?? :whip:
"Smack That"...OMG, it's perfect!!! And Rob, I don't think Curt was too bothered by his bday spanking...Were ya Curt?? :bootyshake:
You did not piss me off at all my beloved Ronya!!! You could never piss me off sweetums!! And if it's a spankin' you want, it's a spankin' you...
Ronya, you only asked for suggestions. That happens to be a song I like but I'm not the only person on this trip. I'm flexible! :bigband:
Kimmie, totally agree on the Cupid Shuffle. And I sent a few good "rock" choices to Ronya yesterday...But so everyone else knows, my song choices...
You may have just opened up a can of worms!!! LMFAO!!!
Or ya do like me and Tim and sleep on the plane!! LOL!
Isn't there a song about that?
That's the booze cruise that Ronya has organized for us but I don't think we are going on the golf cart tour. I'll let him give you more details...
Typically if we go, there is a majority of the group that goes. Some do stay behind and just spend their time at the resort though. What Isla...
We all love 'em, big or small!! :thumbsup:
Just an FYI, if you have never been or gone topless in a public environment, please do NOT feel pressured to do so. We accept you for who you are...
They also give you change in pesos if you give them US money.