All is well Jess.. Stuff happens.. Some of us are just a bit more excitable than others. As a guy who tends to speak first and pull my foot out of...
Using all Toms glow stuff!!!
How about an "Artfully Shaved Cooter Contest"?
First one
What if Kid Rock and Hank Williams Jr. hadnt tasted Cadillac Pussy??? [media]#
For all our guys serving overseas... [media]
Milagros repasado.. Or Crown.. It's good to go Premire!!!
Im in the mood for Van Halen tonight.. [media]
Wide awake in the middle of the night.. And this song popped into my head... [media]
It's an hour and a half drive.. But go early because traffics a bitch at rush hour.. Btw I love love love Freddy at Mezito divers.. He is in his...
Boris is a good friend and I dove with him dozens of times.. Hell he helped me bury my wife's ashes on the Cruz de la Bahia.. I wear a tattoo of...
The shallow dives around Cancun are just ok in my opinion.. If you want an experience, go to Cozumel for a day... The are many operators in...
2 months from today I'll be in the Sexy a Pool, admiring the beauty.. [media]#
Just a classic.. That's all that needs said. [media]
Just cuz I wish I was there.. Temptation that is... [media]
As requested..[media]
No contest!!!
I remember the first time I saw this video. I thought WTF?? My question is still the same. Great tune.. Strange video. [media]