Gin and water with a drop of grenadine and fresh lime....yummy and refreshing!
Oh no!!!! Say it isn't so!!!! You can't miss it! :cry:
Here you go! These are the ones Chris made for me for Christmas. I have lots of empty wine bottles so the kids are going to help me make them with...
Heard you guys had a great fundraiser!!! So AWESOME!! I'm going to be selling wine bottle tiki torches, with all proceeds going to...
Makin' some $$$ for Make a Wish!!!! Can't wait to celebrate!!!! Woohoo!!!!!!! Everybody needs to join in for the party with a purpose! Is it...
What a great idea! We know a premier member who isn't on CCC very often, so we will pass this on to him and see if he's interested!
Having a blast!!! The rest of you need to hurry up and get here!!!!!!!! Off to the sexy pool!!
We may See You At The Airport!
Plane lands at 11:18am...hope to be at the sexy pool by 1pm with a little luck!! See ya there!
Steve, I hope you have a great trip's well deserved! Even though I've never met you in person, your personality comes through on this...
Girl, I love you!!! I'm behind the times on this thread, but I'm about to be pretending this trip and my excuses aren't nearly as good as yours!!...
Happy Nurses Week to some of my favorite people who will really "get" this!! [IMG]
ü 12hr Work Nights x3 ü Waxing and whining (wining!) ü Hair cut & style ü Pathophysiology Test o Community Health Power Point o...
Finishing up my last night at work before vacation!!! In honor of Nurses' Week, a little Labor & Delivery humor for you.... [IMG]
We'll look for you guys! Can't wait....finishing my last night of work as we speak!!
I thought she would beat that first night curse!!!! Glad she proved me right! I'm limiting my time here in an attempt to finish school before we...
Too funny.... She may just make it though! I'm thinking I haven't seen the Energizer Bunny around lately and maybe he found a much better body...