im hoping they renovated my mop closet
Great Trip Report Rob
They do not want you doing anything in public view, though if you use some discretion and clever thinking you will be able to entertain yourself...
hey how are you? yes it looks like ill be able to finally meet a lot of people from here that ive seen or chatted with.... cant wait to get there
yup way to go keith, you just turned my thunder into firecracker...and a shitty firecracker at that lol.. though I am proud of you and your liver...
great minds think alike ;)
we will have to cram a lot of drinks into that 1 night, i probably should apologize now for the hangover you will have on the flight home lol...
Looking at April 19th thru the 28th.....
if you go with a large group i.e april/may/december etc, then body shots are quite normal and quite often lol.
Im a single male and have been goin to temptations for well over 10 years now and ive never had a bad trip.. chat with the members on here and...
Ill try to see if I can keep the cup on my head as long as you this trip.. lol ill be practicing :)
Well that will give us at least 1 hangover, quite possibly 2 to share on this trip then lol, looking forward to finally meeting you guys.
ive been saying the same thing for years
I havent been on here much between events and injuries lol but its looking like end of the month time frame for me 19th - 28th ish, ive been...
Looking like I am aiming for the 19th til 28th
Well put Buddy I was going to say the same thing
What Is A Z-pak Used To Treat? | LIVESTRONG.COM Im not sure if they got the zpack from across the street or down in town, but there is two...
In the dozen trips I have taken to TTR, I have only been sick once and it was a doozy and really put me out of commission for almost 2 full days...
Jim (Sometime in April) lol
yeah a diet, ive been saying that for ahhh lets see over a decade now, then I tell my buddy that we need to go get some wings and beer and talk...