No black lights, dance floor is ceramic tile
Not a good idea There are actually several reasons why chocolate is deadly to felines. First, chocolate contains caffeine, which is poisonous to...
Not a room report, but wanted to add that we liked the "shared" sink concept in the public washroom by the Lobby. Efficient as it saves on space,...
TTR bars charge $5 each for a Red Bull Didn't see Grey Goose there but they did have Sky for Premier Members, or the ones that twisted their red...
Mojito with a Margarita on the rocks chaser
Simply amazing to see this kind of good will gesture on everyone's part Renews my faith in least as far as CCC members go.
tip #1, don't buy the card from the vending machine in the hallway by Paty'o, it's $5 more than logging on yourself. When you get there, turn on...
We were even able to make next day reservation this way
We called from the room at Temp a couple times to AZ to check on son's visit with Gramdma, while not cheap, it worked out to about 2 bucks a...
Na na nana na ... you get to keep Bieber!
it was the 70's ... it was the Nuge ... are you sure it was a joke jock strap??
Was nice to meet you two as well ... still think you rocked the Iron Man contest, and the Mrs rocked every outfit we saw her in!
I may be wrong but if you do go on the timeshare thing the person your getting the referral from get a credit, $250 rings a bell. And I can...
Chocolate Chip ... damn guess that's where we messed up! We've been using vanilla oatmeal. We blew off the timeshare and no negative repurcutions...
three words... Chino and Omar
absolutly true... One solution is an RFID blocking wallet, another believe it or not is to wrap your card in a piece of tinfoil. both will block...
Find your comfort level, then push it a bit...whatever you do, you'll fit right in and no one will care
LMAO, I saw that, he was freaking out till you passed one to him!
Chalk it up to a lack of "Page 2" girls in our newspapers...
Done with smoking after the Carton I brought back from Duty Free... Money saved going right into the "Return to Temptation" jar!