Thanks for the link and info... I sent the link to my groupies :D What is the time?? Is it all day cruise???
this is what I found online - not sure I"m liking that it's WHOLE day gone from the resort!! ...leaves out of the docks in Cancun near...
ok-- there are NINE of us -- give me details about this Booze Cruise and I will talk with my group -- I'm sure we will attend -- we wanted to do...
I like the sound of the 23rd -- and there's nine of us!! Gotta check with the my groupies though!!
Wow -- you look like your a crazy wild one!! We are going May 22-26th -- there are nine of us coming -- looks like it's gonna be a good time!!
you going back??? looks like ur leaving the day we are coming?? Are u from Cleveland??
That's awesome..never thought of the coffee maker! We make them over here all the time... I'll try to get my group to bring & make some!!
I can try to make them -- how do you boil the water? I love pudding shots but would be messy for body shots!! LOL I can bring some boxes and...
Dmac & Jamie - visitors or bartenders? -- if visitors how do they take the time to make? They use the refridgerator in their rooms!! I'm lost...
Skimpy black dress sounds like fun ... thats our first night there! Wonder how many of us will make the "night" of fun! We get in around...
Glow Night sounds like alot of fun! The boys are upset they are missing "Lingerie Night"! Wish I found this site before I booked!
Unfortunately, yes!! After reading all these threads, wish we were staying longer!!
Actually we come in on the 22nd!
I booked for three -- my girlfriend is single and for her to come it was gonna be alot more ... so I have her rooming with my hubby and I! It...
We are so looking forward to this vacation! The "New"eh-vehs (9 of us) from Cleveland Shore are ready for a good time!! I've been to Hedonism when...
There are nine of us coming -- my girlfriend is the single one!! She was hoping there will be singles there to party with!
ok what is Glow Night at PadyO’s and Men’s Dress Shirt Night- does this mean the ladies just wear Men's dress shirt?? :p Please give me...
NINE of us coming to TEMPATIONS ... May 22nd - 26th! ALL 1st Timers!