Well, still on for 6-13, a little trepidation, a little anxious and a whole lot of excited. Does anyone know how full the bookings are on the...
June 6-13 - been before pre-reno - anyone stayed in a Master Suite?
I know we are early, but thought we would see who will be joining us - 07/06-07/13
Looks like we may see you there next week. Post is dated 2018, but some have indicated the dates are wrong. Anyway, hope to see you.
Have you been to Breathless before? Looking for information about massages. Counting the days!
TexasLove - hope to see you there, our first time to Breathless as well
Anyone participated in a couples massage at Breathless? Wondering what it is like. Assuming it's not quite the same at TTR, but would like to...
Looking forward to the week of 1st-4th