pity we will have been and gone by that stage, hope you have a great time
you just miss us we leave 3 days before you arrive
which dates we both there so we can plan a theme night?
so which hotel will you be in?
so who will be here 1-14 oct?
so who will be going to Grand oasis sens 1-14 Oct
hi mate which holiday company are you with and when you going?
It looks like a nice hotel, but what will make it a great hotel is the TTR refugees bringing the party there.
that's very true, we all look like gods and goddesses
how about gods and goddesses
How about a Bond 007 night. dinner jacket and evening dresses?
ok what would be your ideal theme night, we should do it even if it means just us dressed up
do you know of any others there at the same time as us?
we can try and if it doesn't work we can have our own theme night, dress up and have fun. I'm sure people will join in.
sounds good, something that is sexy, but tasteful. Do you thing we should contact the sens and talk to them about it?
how about a leather or lingerie night?
For all the TTR guys. Shall we have our own theme night whilst at the sens? If yes any ideas
We will be there 1st until 15th Oct. bring on the fun
we will be there 1st Oct until the 15th
How often would you go to Cancun.