Actually the mistake was to draw the line in the sand. When he said that he did it without any authorization from anyone except himself and his...
Can't say I did not tell everyone that they will have this done.
Last week in T3 took me 20 minutes at 11am to go through immigration. Customs took a minute. Pushed button and all ok. No more scanning. Couple in...
Bring dollars and forget the pesos unless you really need it. The current rate of exchange at Wal Mart this evening is 12.95 pesos to a dollar. At...
I had Sciatica twice in my lifetime and I was not old but actually in my 30's at the time. Its simply an inflamation of the nerve pressing againts...
Let me see what is wrong with this picture: You have been looking for a doctor since July 26th. Then you write about your adventures downtown....
Steve: I understand the situation in Greece completely since when I was there last year I had the same issue. Not many places with Wi Fi and they...
That is true, but now the phone is back on and you have paid, ask them to research it anyway. Who knows they could end up owing you money. Its...
Hey unless you ask you never know. The worst thing that can happen is everything stays the same. It really is worth asking since you know the...
I would still ask them to research from Greece. Even if it took months you never know and get some money back.
Do as we do in the US and contest the charge. Tell them you thought it was using wi fi and not roaming charges. That may get the bill reduced or...
Amazing that it took them this many years to figure out something so simple. Trust me they will now find a way to tax us on trusts in some form.
It does not matter what plan you have. Shared or unlimited. Sign up for the Mexico plan and you get to call, text etc. outgoing texts are 50 cents...
Not true. You can call anywhere with the pls Verizon offers. Been doing it for years now and no issues
Los Cabos Desire formerly Temptation Los Cabos is sold as of June 13 2013. They will no longer honor bookings to Desire after that date. All I...
Barbara is approaching the West Coast of Mexico.
Let's see first time poster with somewhat of a silly question in my mind. Upset stomach=strep throat? Doctor says strep? In my book this is...
Scotia bank can tell you exactly how much you will owe them if you call their offices. The capital gain tax is taken out of the money you receive...
I am betting that in order to make life simpler they will turn this into a Mexican nightmare before all is said and done.
ok so the inquiring minds want to know: How was the goat?