Yes, fair is fair. He posts one of you and you post one of hm!! Trina
Oh yeah Derrick please post a picture of George in his pink thong!!! Trina
YEAH OUCH!!! But I did have them withhold 10% from both, so hopefully they won't hit us TOO bad!!! Trina
Taxes are going to be a B!@#H this year!! He is now an employee in North Carolina AND I cashed out both my 401K and Pension when I left Allsouth....
How Much?? :lol: I mean after all, he was willing to drive to Ohio to teach you how to shoot pool!! Trina
You ask him. He would never say no to you!! Trina
Do you really thin that will work?? Trina
Too late, I'm already mad!!! What are your dates?? Trina
Sorry, speed typing is not my forte!! Trina
Well Denise, I'm sure Karan will be there at the same time, so we can just talk about them while they are gone!! Hey Debbie, I thought you...
Derrick's nephew brought to his mom's house and she thought she would be able to take care of it along with an oversized Sheltie named Jake, but...
Maybe tomorrow. I want to chat with you guys right now. BTW Karan we now have 4 dogs inside!! Does Sam need someone to keep him company while you...
Just give me the highlights, again, excuse the laziness. Had 1 Corona at dinner and about ready to fall out. Dang why can't I drink at home like I...
It's taken me just over 2 years to hit 300, at this rate, I'll never see 1000. Trina
Where might I find said thread?? Excuse my laziness!! Trina
WOOO HOOO, I hit 300 posts!!! Trina
About 14 minutes, when I left it was only on page TWO!!! BTW Karan are you stirring up trouble, AGAIN!! :wink: Trina
Dang, go out to dinner and look at what all we missed!!! Geroge, I'm sure you have a better picture of the pink thong than that!!! I know Debbie...
PM me your email addy and I'll get him to sennd it to you then!! Don't want to scare anybody off. Of course once he gets there, it's a different...