Saw on the Facebook page saying that Paty Os is closing at 2am? WTH?!?! Can anyone that's there now or been there recently confirm this? Sent...
Hi there!! Yes!! We remember you... you guys all went over to Desire and no one came back!!! Are you there the same dates as us again this...
69!!! Days until we arrive! ! Sent from my SCH-R970 using Tapatalk
April Entourage that's a great name! Sent from my SCH-R970 using Tapatalk
Remember we are only 2 hours behind you. . Less if you get hung up at the timeshare desk. . So make sure to be watching for us with drinks and...
The only problem with Canada is that they produced Justin Bieber and sent him here! Seriously though we love partying with the Canadians eh!...
Hi there! When are you guys going to be at TTR?
Totally fun couple that you have to meet!!!
So is the Chicken still running around down there someplace or did the cleaning staff finally catch up to him under a sink somewhere?
Sheer night! That sounds like a great idea!! Another vote for that one!!!
Another Chiefs fan and from Iowa... glad to know we aren't the only ones!!!
We are usually out there with friends on the weekends too... I vaguely remember seeing that boat but that day may have been kind of "foggy":beer4:
We just booked 10 nights with flight from Des Moines April 3-13 for $1600 each. We were originally planning on coming home on the 12th but...
Like the Sexy Black Dress idea... Orange Night is good too... The T-Shirt Sharpie night would be a great way to get people to interact and meet...
We had one of those 2nd floor rooms directly opposite the DJ booth at Paty o's and loved it last year. Planning on trying to get the same room...
We are officially booked April 3-13... Counting the days!!!! It's freaking cold here!!!!
We are looking at April 3-12 and prices it seems everywhere are outrageous! $363 a night... but Alpha Rooms has it for like $210 a night but the...
Hey there!!! Just saw this... no we haven't booked our return trip :( I'm jealous of you guys getting to go back in a couple of weeks!!! It is...
On our way. . Should be at the sexy pool by 3... looking forward to meeting everyone Sent from my SCH-R530U using Tapatalk 2
Looks like we will be "Cruising" with you guys! Looking forward to it!