Looking forward to it!... looks like another great group going!
Thanks for the pic comments! Are you guys going in April?
We're back for our 4th trip April 15th-24th! Can't wait to see everyone again!
I think the Mardi Gras masks night is a great idea... could go well with the Leather/Lace night! Or the Brazilian night maybe... Plus it's one...
Agreed! 9 Days went by in the blink of an eye! We'll make it a point to have more drinks next year!!!
We just returned yesterday and were in room 2104.. There was black mold all over the room darkening drapes.. you can check out the room if you...
We joke about the same thing. . "Mexico Smell" LOL. . Good to know we aren't the only ones that look forward to that. .. Last night Terri was...
Thanks, may just cancel it and book USA Transfers. Like you said, getting to Paty O's is the most important thing. Don't want to have to stand...
Okay I'm a little confused. We booked through Alpharooms using the link on here and bought the transportation through them when we booked the...
Lol! Yes I suppose that would be worse. .. or I guess she could have been plucking his nut hair.. That would have been worse yet lol
A few years ago we were at a resort in Cozumel and some gal was standing in the pool plucking out her man's ear and eyebrow hair with tweezers and...
Sexy pool is of course the best place but certainly not the only place. .. you'll meet people everywhere if you want to. . Just start up a...
Will do! Just look for the people with big smiles and cold drinks lol!
We have 4 Sundays and a 4 and a half day work week :( Seems like a long way away still! But on the bright side, at least the weather here is...
We don't mind the repetitive music. . We call the songs they play all the time Paty O's music. . When we hear those songs at home we can imagine...
Last 2 years we've gotten the exact same room (and I still can't remember to take a pic of the room number, I think it is 2236 though) 2nd floor...