Holy crap! That equates to $5.18 a gallon!!!!!
This must have been posted when I actually didn't log on for 2 days and it got pushed down! Yes, we kept our premier :) And ended up with a...
I seriously may end up fired from subbing because I can't get my head back in the game and have not been strict enough with the students. Trying...
Maybe guys think they can just "go for it" with blonds? Or maybe I have a look that says "yes I'm smiling and have no top on but touch me and that...
That's a great dress! I'm amazed they had a problem with it at the Asian restaurant! Glad you giada otherwise amazing time!
Yes! I'm bringing some of them FOR SURE! :)
Lol yeah, my sheer and one of my white night "dresses" fit in one bubba mug :icon_eek: I guess I'm a slut! :)
I may have missed someone already saying this but get on the Roll call for Aug if you haven't already. Usually, the moderator that handles each...
HOLY CRAP on the room size and the balcony!!! That was $500/night or $500/night is a regular room and that was more? (I'm assuming the latter.)...
Oh no! Sending happy and healing vibes and thoughts your way! Keep us posted!
Weird! We never went to the restaurant because we heard too many reports of it taking hours for the meal and we never had that much time to spare...
No problem! Have fun!!! It's such a great place! Though I'm having serious Post Temptations Depression! :) Wish we could go back once a month! Lol
Are women no longer allowed to show boobs in NOLA? Or is it restricted to just flashing?? Last time I was there, I didn't have a top on much at...
I extended the reservation. Now will just depend if my mom minds having the kids an extra night and taking at least a 1/2 day off work Monday. :)
I have some in my album
Oh yeah, for sure you can wear skimpy dresses to buffet. Depending just how skimpy, you could wear those white/red dresses to the actual...
Looking forward to seeing you too, Jannet! Steve not coming because of the cruises? He needs to come, too!!!
Hey, you crazy kids!!! Keep in touch! Hopefully we will see you again next time!!!
We are 98% sure we are staying Friday night through Monday morning :) Can't wait! We've one couple from our TTR week going so really will be a...
Thank you for answering about the weird little avatar! Lol Yeah I did, ironically, find out a place is having a white night party in a few weeks...