I know I was bummed too because for a while I somehow thought you were going at the same time :( Maybe next year :) Our Mayniacs were there for a...
We really want to go Halloween but my 5 year old would lose her $h!t if I wasn't home for Halloween.
Yeah it took me a full 3 weeks to not be notably upset that I wasn't still at TTR - that would be last week when the effects wore off!! Not sure...
I didn't see Duty Free coming out but that was our first flight to Cancun so not sure if there are multiple exits?? Or an alternative way to route...
Glad you guys had a fabulous trip! I always love seeing repeater trip reports! And 2016???? What what??? :icon_eek:
I have always thought you guys seem like a blast to hang out with and hope we are there at the same time at some point. Maybe when I live there...
Yeah, even though I'm pretty picky about music and club ambiance and didn't get as much of that at Paty O's as would have been my dream (I knew...
So true! I was only politely verbally approached by any guys while there. But I had at least 2 women that I remember come up and kiss me and/or...
I'm thinking it saves a few minutes, depending on how quickly you fill out paperwork. Basically, they have the registration form all pre-printed...
Have fun, to all!! :) Hug the bar or something for me :)
It apparently depends on which customs officer you get. We talked to 2 different couples when there May 1-6 and one couple got charged the $45 and...
:icon_eek:...though, also kind of funny!
Once the roll call is posted, I'm sure you'll find plenty more people there at the same time :)
Going to CCC stalk y'all still since it is our goal to some day go in Oct but won't be happening this year. Will be too hard to get kid coverage...
Yeah, we didn't see you much at all our last day, CK! Of course, I also decided since it was my last day, to drink all my calories in the form of...
What?? I live in FL! lol (I did keep my top on.)
I'm at Ormond Beach today with family and it's hard to keep my top on!!!
How fun!!
That is awesome!!!!!
Next time my mom is able to come for a weekend that we don't have a child's birthday happening (so, not anytime soon :() we'll have to go check...