I think we need to have a party, jen&kyle, since I'm 99.9% sure our definition of dance music runs along the same lines! I can't even find it...
Agreed! I consider many of the people we met there in only 5 days to be some of our best friends in the world now! I think this should be...
I was wondering about you guys since I knew you'd been going since Blue Bay :) Well done!
Omg you are awesome! Lol VERY tempting (hey! I think that's the first time I've used that word on here!!!) but my mom would miss them too much lol...
If I had my way, we'd hit at least 20 in a year's time. We are still looking into the whole selling kids thing. Seems to be illegal everywhere;...
I may love ya but I also HATE ya! Lol So freaking jealous!!! And yes, I will basically be subbing an extra day/week next JUST so I can make TTR...
No way???? Wtf!! Now I really feel like we are missing out since so many people if love to meet in person and hang out with are going! Before...
This poor thread went south really fast! Lol They also have chocolate covered strawberries at the hotel just don't know exactly how to get them -...
Love your responses on his page lol
Um, I think only me and Monique said anything about reverse roles of being hit on/groped and, well, I certainly didn't - would have to re-read...
He also doesn't read the crowd or just doesn't care if the dance floor clears with certain genres on a given night. Still fun!!
Yeah, what is this double bathroom talk??? Sounds like it belongs with unicorns to me ;) I just want to know how I didn't hear of this room while...
Ali&Andrew, how could you forget the smoking!!!! Lol And patient zero probably groped someone wife somewhere along the way, as well.
Really want anyone to answer that?? :huepfen013:
And 2016 we may need to see if I can talk you guys and Scott/Jamie and Mike/Alice and anyone else into doing August for my 40th...though that will...
:( Sorry to hear that!
Excited to see you again, Rob! Will be so fun to see TTR people we have met and meet new ones! Plus all the non-TTR people :)
5 was too short - 7 :)
I would definitely be there at least 1/2 the year. Too bad I don't play the lottery! Lol Gotta be in it to win it!
From what has been posted on here, transfer because of overbooking is free of additional charge.