It's been hit or miss for us.. some nights it's fineo in the quiet pool, othersthey kick you out.. I've also heard tipping security before you go...
Drank in the sun on the boat all day yesterday.. gotta keep up the training! I was rough last night!
When? We'll be there the 27th
We plan on starting our prep this weekend too.. my liver is way too relaxed
If you want to know what temptation is all about, then definitely do the boobs cruise.. we'll be on the cruise on the 3rd.. cruise #13 I think..
Great review! You'll learn as you go, get there whenever, say gimme a room whenever, then come back an hour after they tell you to show up lol....
Guys like you will always be welcome Timmy! One of these days we will meet!
Welcome to the party!! The foam party used to be Thursday, then last time we went it was on Saturday so you should be in luck!
Where in CT? We're near the casinos
Oh man the beach balls. Those were great
You absolutely want to do the boobs cruise. It's the time of your life.. Come say hi to us too. Wife and I are there until the 5th.
I was about to ask the same thing.. where's everybody at? Are we just doing resort themes? Or any CCC ones?
Awwww shit.. gonna be a black out cruise for sure!!
That's my girl!
We'd probably be in
Fresh meat! Lol
I'm down for either! I'm prepared either way lol
This is not acceptable.. :(
When??? Thought you weren't going to make it!
Dikfore&normasnockers Aug 27 - sep 5 Boobs cruise - I suppose