Have her come talk to us before hand.. we'll convince her! We've done 13 I think!
OMG WE MISS YOU GUYS!!! Hope everything is well with you! Its been way too long! Send us a message whenever you have a chance. Would love to...
That sounds like a challenge!
We'll be on the cruise on the 2nd!
Same here lol. We've got paint, El glow stuff, hair chalk, glow necklaces, we go a little crazy too lol
August can be slow, but labor day is when it seems to pick back up. Don't worry about occupancy... Labor Day Crew makes the resort feel like its...
This will be somewhere between cruise 13-15 for us... They are starting to blur together..
Welcome to the party! We'll see you on the 27th! Just look for the mohawk :-)
Cruise on the 30th will be epic!
Just enjoy the day and remember nobody knows you and nobody gives a shit! Oh yeah.. there's definitely a few games..
Yoooo Trini!!! See you there bud!
Pulled down our luggage & bins of TTR crap this weekend, and the amazon deliveries have started rolling in! Must be under 30 days for ttr time! lol
Gonna miss you by a few days... Bummer. Always trying to meet local people! Eastern CT here! Leeloo!!! Can't wait to see you guys! You make...
Tequila Blue balls 29th or 30th. Got it! See you there! Actually... 10am... hmmm... little early, but we're usually at breakfast around then.. :)
Got the bins and luggage out of the attic! Time to start packing the shenanigans!
I'll be on the lookout for that booty! :cool::D
That's what I originally used it for! Multi purpose! ;)
You also need to have fun with it.. 911 night is more of a "first responder" kind of night... What do I usually do? I show up as the hoff!...
OMFG! That's so wrong... And yet... Very funny... That's the kind of fucked up sense of humor I have too... :D:D
What's your definition of gentle? :cool::D