It was treece wasn't it. :D:D:D:p:p:p
I love how you emphasize NEW sex toy lol! We'll stop by if sober enough, but don't count on us as usual lol
4th is our first full day there so doubt we'd do that one.. but the 7th is gonna be a shit show!
I can't wait to see you guys! Its been far too long!
Yeesssss!!! Body shots for everybody!!
Kentucky!! Can't wait to see you sweetie
Labor day is a blast. This is our 8th labor day!
Damn straight!
Oh wow. That's a lot for a first trip... Words of caution. PACE YOURSELF lol
Dikfore & NormaSnockers (Noah & Ali) Sep 3-13 (Trip #10) Boobs Cruise: How many this time?
Can you change our dates to 3-13 please
So we should ask you tomorrow if they are out yet?
Labor day is gonna be a shit show! This will be our 8th labor day at TTR...
The list keeps growing! Forrest and stacy August 27-sep 13 Robin & BBT Aug 29 - Sep 9 A certain Special Couple Sep 1-6 Mike & Teresa Sep 1-6 VA...
We usually do a labor day theme list.. Just haven't started it yet. Definitely need a BDSM/Fetish night on that list.. :) Updated! Robin &...
I think you and I are gonna get along great
Robin & BBT Aug 29 - Sep 9 A certain Special Couple Sep 1-6 Mike & Teresa Sep 1-6 VA Couple Sept 1-6 Andy & Susan Sep 2-12 Heather (& the Dallas...
Can't wait to see you guys!!! Its been too long!
We'll be there 3-13! Love the sweatshirt in your profile pic and the wife's cans! Check the labor day thread. We have a bunch of people coming.