Hmmmm...I saved it and it's still there...
Best weekend ever!!! It ended way too quick!!
I can neither confirm nor deny that there were any buffets on our bus. The video is just an urban myth...
All I know is, like the boobs cruise, if I'm not the 1st naked I won't be far behind! I agree, knowing it's at a club had to sway some vanilla's...
Zack and I are booked for November 4-11, 2017 for our 4th trip!! Can't wait!!
I will also be 40 on May 5, 2018!! LOL -Patty
I don't know what you're talking was very quiet and relaxing the last week at TTR!! Patty
Thanks for a fun room crawl last night everyone!!!! Patty and Zack
Soak some gummy bears! Lol
Today is my last day of work (poor Zack has to work tomorrow too) and wheels up in 48 hours!!!!!! ~Patty