How about Sexy animals (tigers, lions, cats, etc); Circus; Disney?
Lace, schoolgirl/nerd, glow.
I have several G-strings from Yandy and fannythongs on Ebay. Have some since trip #2 and they are still in great shape. The only ones I have gone...
So excited to see you two!!
Got home Thursday after 10 day trip. Only sickness we can report was self-induced. ;)
Home from our Halloween trip only a few days and already excited for April. Can't wait to party with the Addicts again!!
Can't wait to see you two!!
Ocean View. No upgrade. Not sure if those in the picture are even finished yet.
We stayed in one of the 3 rooms built pre-reno as demo rooms for the new Temptation on our 2nd trip back post-reno. We watched these being built....
Just sent you the list of referral benefits in a PM.
Still get benefits but not all of the benefits a member gets.
4 days 12 hours 45 minutes and counting....So looking forward to this vacation!!
Flying from Newfoundland on the 27th. Connecting in Toronto. Have 3 TTR virgins coming with us this trip. Should be at the pool by 2pm.
Hey. We'll be on the yacht on the 1st. Will definitely be at the pool for the foam party. Drop us a message Friday. Hope to see you at the pool...
Booked 15-25!
We love the variety the resort offers for evening dining. Sutra is our favourite. We always eat there a few times and the Hibachi is a must...
In the replies to that post on Facebook a member, Janet Kranz, posted her response from the GM when she emailed him. He sent her multiple pics,...
Its a race...I'm usually first--Chris
Wow. It has been waaaay too long. -Chris
Have no idea if we already posted but we'll be there Oct. 27-Nov.6. 8th trip 3rd with HnH. Boobs Cruise is booked.