We won't be making it in December unfortunately - booked for Feb.
Dates: Dec 9-16 Number in Group: 2 Interested in Boobs Cruise? Maybe
We are headed to Breathless Punta Cana March 8-15. Reviews seems good. I'm not sure about the topless part though. At least at TTR people either...
We're headed to Breathless Punta Cana March 8-15! Can't wait to hear the reviews!!
Flying into Calgary tonight...should be in the sexy pool around noon :)
Yay! Fellow Canadians :) we're there Feb 24 - March 2! See you at the sexy pool!
T minus 6 days!!!!! Can't wait to check into FUN and out of reality!
Looks like our dates cross over! See you at the sexy pool!
We're there from Feb 24-March 2 we might also be interested! We've done the boobs cruise a few times already and wouldn't mind trying something...
Hey Guys, What are the dates you'll be at TTR?? We're there Feb 24th - March 2nd...I see you are from Alberta...us too...hopefully we overlap
We're there the same time...hope you are joining in on theme nights
Hey Guys, Looks like we are there the same dates...look for us at the sexy pool
Can't wait! 17 days - but who's counting lol
We might jump on the cruise again- we're those jerks that usually walk into Paty O's and go if there's room hahaha
hey guys, We get there the day before you...make sure to come up and say hi
I am from Cape Breton and the Wife's family is from PEI...we'll be there on the 24th
Hey Guys, when you get a chance look us up on Facebook Angus N Leigh...we gotta plan a get away together
hey guys...we'll meet you in the sexy pool...drinks will be cold and waiting
we're there from Feb 24th to Mar 2
Thanks for the friend request! You'll be there a few days before our group arrives come say hi if you see us by the sexy pool :)