april 26-may 5th 2013 trip # 7
April 26-may 5th......
have fun......how can you not. :-) gonna miss you guys and prayers are with your daughter for a speedy recovery...
i think its about time to start a "Mayhem 2013" thread................
hi, what city are you in? jessica and i are in corona....
it was a blast...once again great times with great people!!!!!!!
just got home from 9 mayhem days....the weather was perfect everyday.....it was great seeing so many great people.....we had a blast, boobs cruise...
Crap..... Just checked the weather report for cancun.....looks like rain and thunder storms every day for.the next 9 days and 85' gonna be...
last post before we leave..see you all at the sexy pool tomorrow am!!!!!! first rounds on me!!! :-)
and we are leaving tomoorow nite :-)
taking this to get the party started!!!! both are yummy for the tummy!!!!! [IMG]
slices wont be the same with out you!!!! we will take lots of pics!!!
Everyone leaving in the next day or two....see you all at the sexy pool friday about 11am-12..... can you say american honey :-)
your awesome chinos......stay strong and have a speedy recovery.
bringing two cans.....orange and strawberry!!!!!!!!