now time is moving and just about there!!! we are now in the single digits!!!! 9 more sleeps!!!!!
ive made up my mind...after 7 more years of retiring in Cancun!!!! but until then, express check in is completed for jessica,myself and...
Good base tan in place...and liver is prepped. Boobs cruise is booked and doing out express check in tomorrow, since we will be down to the 14 day...
Looks like the april 16th boobs cruise is set to sail..just made the min....cant wait!!!!! Jessica,myself Vanessa Casey & katie and the quinns are...
Add 2 more. Just booked the quinns!!!!! If i counted right, should be 29...that means we should be set to sail :-)....
5 deposits paid. Jessica,myself,vanessa,casey and katie...aaron and martha should be booking later today :-) Super excited!!!!! Gonna be a blast.
not for sure...but thinking the 16th works best for us..pretty sure it will be Myself,Jessica,Vanessa,Katie and Casey, and Aaron and Martha!!!!!...
Getting super about two more weeks, gonna have to keep an eye open for the boobs cruise in april...thats how you know its getting...
seen on another adult page ;-) looks like alot will be wearing dirty school girl outfits on april 12th :-)
just got back from cabo...had a blast. come on april
so if i do a fly over with my drone from like 100 feet up just to get some ariel pics of the resort??? im talking higher than the room...
i would like to give a shout out to the woodman for keeping us all updated on the rollcall....great job bud!!!! april cant get here soon...
we will be there april 10-19th. we are looking for a few fun couples to join for renting the yacht thur april 16th. we will also be joining in on...
Hi jim and there are others from Southern California that go to ttr..haha have not met many. We are in corona, how about you two?...
Im going to bring my dji phantom vision plus drone to get some good pics and video from above of the boobs cruise.. what ever the date will be...
looking like a good party group...aprils going to be off the hook!!!! April 10-19
thats so cool of you!!!! jessica,vannesa,myself and katie and casey will be there 4/10 - 4-19...see you guys at the sexy pool!!!!!
Pvtnurse.....what dates are you going?
80 more days till the debauchery begins!!!!! getting super pumped!!
i just cant wait for april 10-19, so i booked a pre trip to cabo feb 2-6 to get my liver prepped for temptations ;-) 100 ore days till cancun!!!!!