I’ll save some for ya!
Will do
It doesn’t matter what body type you have. Have fun and enjoy the place, that’s what makes the resort magical. Nobody knows you and nobody gives...
Yes meet at the quiet pool bar!
Most people put their Hotties and hell raisers shirts on for the photo.
Meet up at the quiet pool bar is all you need to do.
You can make any costume out of lingerie!
Tell me! I think this is the first time we’re bringing three suit cases. Lol
**Update** October 30th Monster Mash room crawl.. We now have 5 rooms confirmed for the room crawl. We will meet at the quiet pool bar at...
Hey hotties and hellraisers... we will be making name necklaces with pumpkins or bats for everyone. If you want one for $5 each please let us...
We now have 5 confirmed rooms for the monster mash room crawl!!! Can’t wait!!!
Ajay is talking to rayanne as we speak
I’m still deciding on my Halloween outfit. Jeff has his all set. I’m stuck between 2 options. Ugh!
If you guys want to plan one I’m willing to help and participate. Xoxo
I’m still trying to confirm with two people. If they agree to host then we will have 5 rooms to crawl too. Last year the event lasted about 30-45...
As most of you know, we take a group photo every year. We are planning the 2018 group photo October 30th up at Bash at 2:30pm.
We are only planning the one room crawl October 30th. If you arrive after that anyone can plan another room crawl if you’d like. My plate is full...
You can definitely participate and not host. The hosts will have the booze so no need to bring any