Was great to meet you Jack and Edie. We did have a great trip on those golf carts. Even if we did get led the wrong way down a one way street. Was...
We are in. just let us know when and where :D
Loved all the pictures they were wonderful. The TR was great. The underwater pictures brought back so many great memories. I did the free lesson...
Loved the TR. Was so nice meeting both you and Sassy. You guys are awesome. Looking forward to seeing you next year. Never been to a club in...
Loved the pictures ... but who were those crazy women in the cage .. shame on them .... LOL. Was so much fun.
Was so nice meeting the both of you. Hopefully when we meet you guys next year we won't be so quiet and will join the the festivities more :wink:...
Hey fellow crazy canadian was sooooooooo great to finally meet you. Had a blast. Can't wait for the next party time with you guys. Loved the TR.
Was so nice meeting the both of you. We will have to keep in touch. You are one awesome couple and a good singer to boot Paige.
Hey Jamie and Chris, great TR and pictures. Was great to finally meet you both. Hopefully will see you the same time next year. Maybe then we can...
Hey guys, was so great seeing you both again, and looking better than ever. Nice pics and TR .... hope to see you again either in September or...
Hey Sassy it was so good meeting you and also Jamie ... (don't know if that is how she spells it) Just wish we could have spent some more time...
Hey Deb and Linda it was so awesome meeting you two and having a chance to talk and party. I will have to pm you guys and send you our email...
Yee Haw you both. Can't wait to see Dave and Rosa and finally meet you and Glenn Monique. This is going to be one hell of a party.
I have not actually been to any of the clubs but everyone keeps saying that Coco Bongos is a must see. I am hoping that we can make it there this...
If you check out the Sexy Clothes in the Temptation Chatter, there are some pictures there of what has been worn and what people are thinking of...
For sure I am. You have even given me the courage to buy thong bathing suits and I even bought one mesh one .... and some really cute little...
Hubby and I won't be too brown either as we come from the great white north ... canada and have had no time to pre tan at all so either we will...
When we were there in Sept of 2006 they predicted clouds and showers every day and we had nothing but sunshine except when we went to Isla we had...