Can't eat vodka gummies on the plane either. : (
I definetly don't have that kinda butt but I love my scrunch bottoms. You may just be too critical of yourself.
Last time was easy for me. I was beside Glenn & Monique. I just followed them to bed. (sad part was they didn't invite me in... Lol)
Have tried that and they won't budge. Even if you make requests they seem to ignore you. Almost like the dj has gone deaf after listening to his...
But he looked so cute running around the last time in just a bib and baby hat with a soother... (and I do have the pics to prove it lol)
Pack Lysol to spray in the ac vents. Room doesn't smell and keeps the mold down. Since I started doing his I haven't gotten sick, and rarely...
When you go to the room you had last time and can't get in. So you go to the front desk to get your key fixed.
Being a bartender by trade, a sunshine is a vodka and orange juice. Also known as a screwdriver
You'll fit in just fine. Size really doesn't matter.
2 for the 24 4 for the 28 and 30th.
Its ceasars at the airport. Vodka on the plane. Cervasa when I land (and stop at the oxxo for sol) Whatever is slushie at temps
Keep the name. Its fabulous
Looking forward to partying with you two again. (just for you Ali - purr purr purr)
Welcome to the party.... :-)
Started my 'plan' last week and am down 4lbs. Got a few more weeks to loose as much as possible before the trip.
Boooked 2 weeks ago on and paid $2700 (dbl occ) for 10 days for the end of April.
Just finished getting my 14th...... (ps - the ribcage hurts like hell)
I think all of you saw a little too much foam.... lol
Better be....
Well for any that already know me, you know I'm definitely not shy. Come find the chica with the kitty ears. I'm not exactly a skinny girl by any...