Just a couple more weeks!!
It is really going to be good to see everybody, we are really looking forward to this trip!!
Awesome...we can start the party a day early!!
Shelia, even though you are going to a Cards game!! You can still be a Brave's fan!! Can't wait to see you!!
I wish we could ride our Harley out too, Shiela, you can always visit down south and get a ride!!
I am an Operations Manager for a large construction equipment manufacturer, Rosa takes care of me!!
I have fond memories of the Saturday suit!!
Booked our flight this morning....looks like we are going to make the party!! really looking forward to seeing many of our old TTR friends and...
Bart and Annette, Rosa and I couldn't make it last year but are definitely going to try this year!! We would really love to see you guys again,...
At least there are a couple of you and Glen together!!
Sure going to miss you two
Butt prints on a taxi cab window, coming back from Carlos and Charlies!! What a fun night, can't put all the details here though!!
Rosa and I really hate that we missed this awesome party, hopefully we will be able to make it next time!!
I received this email
Unfortunately....it is not looking good for us right now, but we are still working on it!!
Great trip report Shiela.....we understand your journey and we are so proud of you. We miss you and we love you!! Dave and Rosa
Wow, This sounds like a great time. I will check on air fare
WE have been talking about heading back to Temptations but we are headed back to Jamaica this year. Would love to see you guys and many others so...
I have several old BBG T shirts and tons of pics from those days, what great times with great people!
I have a picture (s) just like that from a different trip but same picture!! Great shot