Us too! Can’t come quick enough!
Just read were they filed for bankruptcy. We've met tons of people at TTR over the years who used them out of Europe. Wonder if this effects...
We’ve stayed in the building right next to the marina twice. Ocean views there are awesome! Very quiet most of the time. Bonus, there are tons of...
We’ll be there 19-24 (that may change to 16th-24th), if you’re there then, flag me down and we’ll have a snort or 2. I usually have the guys...
Any idea how hammered people would be by, oh I don’t know, 1 o’clock???
Bash attire bought and in the suitcase! Woohoo:marshe:
November 19-24 2019 at TTR. Trip #7
Here too and we’re 2 months away, I’m in big trouble
69, no kidding!:marshe:
We're in IMG 1241 by DannKathy posted Oct 1, 2015 at 4:57 PM
Steve, we’ve been on. Norwegian “booze cruise” for 4 nights on the Sun, they’re tolerant to a point. 1 guy was so drunk they escorted him to his...
I think 1 time my wife ordered a drink that was $22, but I ca’t remember for the life of me what it was. Think it was in the Italian restaurant....
all 5 nights costumes purchased and packed
That’s great. Instead of changing security measures they tone the party down. Doesn’t seem like a great business plan if you ask me
We booked 4 months ahead and didn’t see much price difference between the 2. If it’s the same while arriving I’d consider it. It may be dependent...
$10 says she has her top off at the sexy pool by day 2. I think 1st timers have no clue what to expect but from our experiences the people who go...
This is by far the best site for Temptation and the Desires. There are a couple Facebook groups as well, but not terribly organized. I also see...
As Len so graciously opined, the middle rooms with jacuzzi tubs are up the center and are lush suites. The outer rooms without jacuzzis on the...
I stand corrected. Both are in the tower, yes we have a lush jacuzzi suite