None of the AMResorts(Breathless, etc) has ever developed the cult vibe that TTR has(probably because their management doesn't promote their...
There is always going to be a big differences between the two. TTR is in the Cancun HZ and it's always going to be more attractive to those that...
Different bands on the two nights, never really know which band will play on any given night, they always change them up depending on the bands...
For both Desire Resorts there are no groups listed between May 1st to 6th. However there is a large group, the YNOTs, will be at Desire RM...
Anyone can walk the beach area in front of Desire or any other resort - my point was just don't plan on staying for any length of time and/or...
FYI - The first hotel/resort built in the, then new, Cancun Hotel Zone was the 74-room Playa Blanca, built by Diego de la Peña which opened in May...
Nope, Desire RM security won't let anyone that dosen't have a Desire wristband stay on their beach area - same rules as all the other AI...
All the DOV rooms have either a shared balcony(2nd floor rooms) or shared patio(ground floor rooms)
Yes, you must be a registered guest at Desire to be able to use any of the services at Desire.
If it's just for one night I'd suggest the Marriott Courtyard It's just outside the airport and they offer free shuttles back and forth to the...
Just illustrating that Original which owns TTR, the Desire properties, Premier, Swingee, etc has the final word in how TTR operates and is...
TTR is not a sponsor of Swingee - FYI: Original Resorts completely owns and runs Swingee
$350 USD :icon_eek:
Because Original Resorts completely owns and runs Swingee - all part of their master marketing plan to extract as much money as they can out of...
FYI - the official room count before the start of the reno was 384 rooms and after the reno is completed it will be 430 rooms ;)
Original Resorts has a habit of charging a lot more for resorts that allows less clothes [IMG]
Pretty much the same for both Desire Properties, from the 24th to Jan2 is usually higher occupancy compared to the periods on either end.
The SGV rooms are all ground floor rooms in the small 4 room buildings - they have a somewhat larger interior space than the DGV rooms - other...
Walk around your local upscale shopping mall and imagine the variety of people that you see as being nude - that variety is the same as you will...