For me personally it’s the best time to go me and the wife go every year the same time june 24 to July 5 the shit show is real
David & Diana June 24 to July 5 Boob Cruise - Hell Yes
June 24 to July 5 for the Sosa’s
Fuck yeah you have our vote
Yeah We did our honeymoon there Our 1 year anniversary then we went to Sens and now our 3 year anniversary can’t wait the shit show is going to be...
you get there on me and the wife anniversary it’s going to be one hell of party. We miss TTR
We there june 24 to July 5
What are your days ?
I remember lol We going Dolphins swimming again in June definitely
Ok what is the undercover dolphin adventure sounds interesting Craig lol
On our honeymoon coming from the sexy pool me and the wife had a really nice buzz I forgot that told the front deck that we need more towels...
Feeling is mutual brother it’s going to crazy lol
June 24 to July 5 for the Sosa’s can’t wait to get the shit show started
I knew you and Steph would have a great vacation TTR is the best can't wait to get the familia together in june the shit show is going to be real....
thanks Angie for the report me and Diana were waiting to hear how was your trip. Love you guys
Hey We're doing great how's everything with you guys, we going to cancun on the 25th of this month it's our 2year anniversary we staying at sens...
Thank you
Do they have night pool ?
You and Tyler rock
It's not TTR but we bringing the TTR vibe to Sens definitely it's going to be awesome can't wait to get this party started