Hey soooo sad to be home miss u guys loads xxx
We loved your wedding guys .the pair of us crying when the wedding song was played .such a beautiful day thank you.leon & Petra xxx
Hey you 2 we are back and so jet lagged typing this at 2 in morning my brain thinks I'm going to paty'os to conga with ange and do more tequila...
Hey you pair of nawty minxs ;-)))))) was a pleasure to spend time with you guys .so funny and sexy soooo can't wait to catch up guys xxx
You guys made me laugh so much really true great sports.will get u back next year xxx
Hey guys it was a pleasure to meet you guys second week was real hot ;-)))) looking forward to meeting again real soon xxx
Guys we sooo miss u 2 xxx so jet lagged lol .we will look at flights guys over next few months a trip across the pond is a great plan u sexy cats...
Lovely pic guys.We get there tomorrow will have drinks waiting for you :lotsofmichaelfs:
That's it for work for 3 weeks :) few days in London with friends then it's partieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee time :lotsofmichaelfs: see you all on the other...
Great work buddy.cya Tuesday :uk1:
Tried one of them e-cigs once but kept going out on me :huepfen013:
No one likes a quitter :uk1:
Looking forward to meeting up with u guys ,don't party to hard until we get there on 13th xxx
Have a great trip mate and see you on 16th -19th :uk1:
Getting there thanks guys ,couldn't miss boobcruise lol xx
Hey guys thanks for message ,yes got ok to fly out on 13th so looking forward to meeting you guys .xxx Leon & pet xxx
After a few days of feeling like this :deadhorse: and feeling so humble after receiving so many lovely and kind messages got the all clear from...
Just been told by hospital my blood tests are positive for deep vein thrombosis :icon_frown: got a ultra sound tomorrow to confirm need you all to...
The mayor will find you.you can't see or hear him.but he is everywhere :sofa:
He ( or she being politically correct these days) without sin cast the first stone ( or a peddle don't want to hurt anyone to badly );)