[ATTACH] Here are the theme nights for the hotel. Which ones does everyone like or dislike. We can go from there with also new ideas!!! A group...
February 22-28 Dennis and me Maybe.... Can I be part of the entertainment again?! lol!;)
I have my vacation app all set up! Only 120 days to go! This will be our 13 trip and cannot wait to see the place completely finished! Looked...
We are from ND so the weather is a hell of a lot better in Cancun than here, and the pool isn't frozen as it would be here so it's perfect!!!!...
We will be there February 22-28. We went for the soft open and the place looks amazing!!!! Can't wait to see the place completely finished!...
That's the name of the group that goes during week 8. In April there are April Addicts, June Junkies, Octoberbreast just to name a few....:) 129...
Doesn't matter to us! I do like to keep it simple since in the past I have had some outfits that I thought would be fun and turned into a pain in...
From what I remember it is the 8th week, so I'm guessing the week of the 18th? Someone please correct me if I'm wrong. While we were there for...
If a group is interested in doing a different theme night or different themes during the time of the stay, it has been my experience that the...
Do these rooms have a king size bed or two beds, Steve? Dennis is a bed hog so I always have to ask for a king. I tell people if I go missing, I...
I'm seeing some familiar faces!!! We will be there February 22-28 for our 13 trip. Just got back a couple of weeks ago and had a blast as usual!...
That's about 20 minutes too long for me! lol! The longer I'm in the room, the more I worry that I'm missing out on something fun! Hard for me...
The tape is super sexy!!!! I would absolutely not have the patience to have someone apply it to me! After 12 trips my favorite theme outfits are...
I wore all my slut gear with no problem. I'm not big chested but didn't wear pasties when I had a body stocking on or a net type dress on. I did...
No, there wasn't an explanation why he was there. Since I was a "bit" intoxicated and asked if there was a problem, and he said No, I decided it...
I was very impressed with how much was done in such short of a time. We had no ac or water pressure in our room the first day. We moved the...
Going during this time is called The Shit Show right? We've been Cherry Poppers, Octobreast, ummmm what else.... Lost track. But I think it's...
We have our flights booked and paid for February 22-28!!!! Just have to get confirmation on the reservation. We just got back from opening last...
We just got back last week and we are withdrawing bad!!!! We return February 22-28, 2018! Anyone else out there have plans or has committed to...
Hope your fuzziness is gone by Saturday!!! I usually end up looking like a big bruise by the end of our trips to TTR. I was playing volleyball...