My bf & I will be at TTR resort June 14th-20th. This will be my our 3rd trip at TTR. This will be our first time bringing 2 other couples/friends...
We live in Mission Hills. This will be our 3rd trip to TTR June 14th - June 20th.
Vaca is officially booked as of yesterday. We now will be staying a extra night which works out even better. June 14th - June 20th. Can't wait to...
This will be our 3rd trip to TTR. My bf & I will there from June 14-19th with 2 other couples. This will be both couples first time there. Can't...
I got back from TTR this past Thursday & I am still recovering. My boyfriend & I came back so sick. I had to be taken to urgent care because I...
Great review! Wish I could of met you two! I actually didn't meet anyone on this forum in person. I looked around & didn't come across anyone I...
Great can't wait! Meet you at the sexy pool on Saturday around 2ish. Have some shots ready for us, LOL!
Yes we are! The boobs cruise was the highlight of our trip thanks to you & Scott inviting us. You arrive Friday to TTR? We arrive Saturday the...
3 more sleeps to go! I still have so much last minute shopping to do. Yikes! I need to hurry my ass up! ______________ May 30- June 4
Awe it is you! Can't wait to tell Rick you two will be there this weekend! We had such a great time with you last year!
Hello! This is Brandie & Rick. Are you Patriots fans? If so do you remember Rick & I? We will be at TTR May 30- June 4.
I agree Vegas is expensive but people are willing to pay for it. We go to Vegas about 2-3 times year for a quick getaway. If you can afford it...
Thank you all!! Either way we will make the best of it & i'm everyone will too! :lotsofmichaelfs: ___________________ 2nd trip 7 more...
Cancun June Weather 2015 - AccuWeather Forecast for Quintana Roo Mexico I just checked out the weather next week & looks like Cancun will have a...
I can only do one day of edm & that is good enough for me. I prefer hip hop all day everyday but when alcohol is involved I can dance to pretty...
Ok great! Good looking out! Yeah Tuesday night sounds more like fun outside partying rather than Wednesday night. Can't wait to pinche puro...
Yeah I know I can't expect beach clubs like in Vegas. Great I will have to check Mandala Beach out. If I read correctly on one of the forums, I...
Will do! Can't wait to meet everyone & take a shot! :partytime:
Does anyone know how Mamita's beach club is or any other? I want to possibly do a beach club while in Cancun just for 1 day. Something similar to...
I have partied in Hollywood, Miami & Vegas. Last year when I went I was 30. I have never partied so hard as I did in Cancun. I had the time of my...