We get there on the 19th anyone interested in looking at those dates? Before the 4th week.
We are there from 19th to 29th. Looking forward to another great time.
We arrive the same day. Look forward to meeting you. It will be our 5th trip.
Ordered our June Junkie T shirts. Can not wait to wear them in Mexico.
We leave the 29th. So we should have a couple of days to party
Look forward to seeing you in June.
time As 19 gets closer and vacation time closes in, time seems to move slower. This coupled with moving has us ready for a little R&R.
We look forward to seeing you
All of the Midwesterners need to do this at a Midwest location. Sounds like a lot of fun.
What if Creed never did this? I hope this works. If not what if Temptations was not top optional?...
We are a day behind you. Look forward to meeting you. Save a day for the Boobs cruise. That is always a long day and a cloudy night.
Great attitude Sense of humor Desires for fun And no bikini tops.
June 19 - 29
We are in. We loved glow night last year.
Sounds like it to me.
We agree or naughty farmers daughters or rednecks
Any interest to changing 21st to Naughty Farmer’s Daughters and redneck night? Love booty shorts but this maybe incorporated in as Daisy Dukes....
June 19 to 29 4th trip Trips June 19 to 29 2015, June 21-28 2014 July 6-13 2013, June 25 –July 2 2012 December 27 -30 2007
You can take the bus to Wal-Mart.