Here is our favorites for being added between 17th and 27th Naughty School Girl Night Monday Naughty Farmer’s Daughter Monday 80s Night...
Please add these or something close. They are usually a lot of fun. A white trash night can also be fun as well.
17 t0 27 Could we add a 80s night, sexy school girl and farmers daughter night between the 17th and 27th.
The pool picture was that taken this past June? I swear the two chairs by the bathroom are John and I's.... Lol
We are planning on the 17 - 27
Thank you for upgrading John's Bubba Mug...LOL
Less than 24 hours to PARTY TIME!! The countdown has started! Driving kiddos to grandparents fly out at 6:00am
We will see you both in the pool. John and I will only be there a couple of days with you. We get there on the 19 fly back on the 29.
look forward to meeting both of you
Have to know about rings.Do you wear them or just occasionally?