I personally think it’s safe to say, if you go to a resort in Cancun and don’t practice social distancing while there, you are going to get the...
You know the best place we have found to pee is the ocean. It’s right next to the pool.
I know you meant it as a joke, but we are kinda in that boat. I had it last month and got over it. The wife and I continued to sleep in the same...
FYI, I had the Covid last month. Positive test, had symptoms, was quarantined but I never ran a fever. This wasn’t at TTR, just adding my two...
Awesome. We arrive on the 4th, I’ll buy the first round!
Yes single males at TTR can be pushy. The chances of finding that at desire are very high, as long as you are willing to ask for what you want....
We prefer the hotter months as we are sun worshipers. It also guarantees we don’t have to pack a jacket, and is cheaper. Probably our favorite...
Just out of curiosity, did you have a problem getting on a plane after testing positive?
I have no idea why someone would want to leave DRM to go to TTR on a day pass. But to answer your question, I don’t know. Maybe someone else can...
I tried to look at your photos as well. Said none was available.
One other thing I forgot to mention. The staff to guest ratio is much better at DRM, so the service is much better. No waiting on anything...
We prefer desire riveria maya because of the couples only situation, and the camera phone situation. We aren’t members, so the alcohol choices are...
Like everyone says, there are certain perks. We always stay in a tower room, but I never pay more than $300 per night for the room. This trip I’m...
It’s on Friday.
I recommend not reaching out to other people on here to make friends. My wife wasn’t/isn’t that jealous, but she did have a problem with that...
If someone does let us know please!
Un Unfortunately we had to change to September.
We started as TTR people, but tried DRM and loved it. Now that would be the only place we ever went if it wasn’t so dang expensive. We will be...
We prefer master suites, with bash just below that. Haven’t stayed in any others. Both come with a premium price point though. Although I haven’t...
So you recon they will be single guys there in June?